summer B’Mitzvah Tutoring

B’Mitzvah Tutoring continues!

Preparing to become B’Mitzvah is a year-round project, and continues in the summer months even outside of the JAMI year. Read on to learn how we navigate B’Mitzvah Tutoring in the summer.


B’Mitzvah Tutoring takes place year-round - that means we meet during the summer, too! Shir Tikvah considers summer the time between the end of one JAMI year and the beginning of the next JAMI year. In 2024, this means late May (our first summer session of B’Mitzvah Tutoring is 5/22) through late September (our first night of JAMI 5785 is 10/9).

Over the summer months, B’Mitzvah Tutoring takes place at Shir Tikvah each Wednesday from 4:00pm until 7:00pm. Like during the JAMI year, each B’Mitzvah student meets with their tutor for 30 minutes and with their rabbi (if within four months of B’Mitzvah) for 15 minutes these nights.

There is no B’Mitzvah Tutoring on Wednesday, June 12 or on Wednesday, October 2 in honor of Shavuot and Rosh HaShanah, respectively. Otherwise, B’Mitzvah Tutoring takes place each Wednesday this summer.

Roles and Responsibilities

Families are responsible for sharing their child’s availability over the summer months via Doodle Poll. Once Or has this information on Doodle, they schedule each student with their tutor and with their rabbi (if relevant) each week. Schedules are set at least one week in advance, using the information provided by families in Doodle.

Every Thursday, Or emails a notice for families to check the schedule. Families should check it immediately upon reading this email; they have until the following Monday night to ask for a change, as the schedule is considered final at 5:00pm each Monday for the coming Wednesday.

In July and August, Or will be away pursuing some Hebrew education of their own! In Or’s place, B’Mitzvah Tutor and Board Member Jonah Rothstein will be coordinating the schedule each week. Please reach out to Jonah with schedule inquiries in July and August at


The Summer 2024 B’Mitzvah Tutoring Schedule can be found here. Every Thursday, Or emails a notice for families to check the schedule. Follow this process when checking the schedule:

  1. Click the link to the Summer 2024 B’Mitzvah Tutoring Schedule.

  2. Navigate to the right tab on the bottom of the Google Sheet; this Google Sheet is one document but each Wednesday’s schedule is noted on a different tab.

  3. Look for your child’s name and note the time they are meeting. This is their tutoring time.

    1. If your child is also meeting with their rabbi, look for this time as well. Note which is first; students are almost always scheduled back-to-back so that they go immediately from tutor to rabbi or vice versa.

  4. If this time no longer works for your child, be in touch with Or (May, June, September) or Jonah (July, August) as soon as possible and no later than Monday at 5:00pm to request a change; the schedule is considered final at 5:00pm each Monday for the coming Wednesday whether or not we hear from families.

Take care to check the right schedule on a given week; the date is listed at the top of the Google Sheet and at the bottom of the tab. Don’t be the family who shows up to last week’s time or next week’s time this week!


Tutoring sessions take place in person at the Shir Tikvah building, though exceptions are made to meet remotely. Please communicate in your Doodle Poll and in conversation with Or or Jonah if a given session is more convenient/possible if remote.

B’Mitzvah Tutoring takes place on Wednesdays; rare exceptions are made to meet another day of the week on occasion. These requests are approved on a case-by-case basis between Or and tutors.

When tutors are away, their B’Mitzvah students will have a week off from tutoring.

Parents/Guardians are welcome to hang out in the Oneg Hall during tutoring; the rest of the building is occupied by tutoring or otherwise closed - including the library, office, and sanctuary.

Summer B’Mitzvah Tutoring - Links to Schedules

B’Mitzvah Tutoring in May 2024

Wednesday, May 22

Wednesday, May 29

B’Mitzvah Tutoring in September 2024

Wednesday, September 4

Wednesday, September 11

Wednesday, September 18

Wednesday, September 25