The Collection
Shir Tikvah’s library contains approximately 2,000 titles, including music, journals, and films. The library is arranged by classification or category, starting in the southwestern corner, just beyond the fireplace. Reference materials, periodicals, and our children and young adult materials are located on the inner wall. Within each category, materials are generally alphabetical by author. Our “everyone” materials are arranged by classification or by title, with holiday books separated from general picture books.
Borrowing is a privilege of synagogue membership.
Currently enrolled participants in Shir Tikvah-sponsored courses may also borrow materials. Anyone borrowing materials should provide complete contact information including name, address (if not a member), phone number and email in the checkout log, located in the library. Community members may use resources in the library but may not borrow them.
Books may be borrowed for up to four weeks, other materials for up to two weeks. Please return borrowed materials to the designated return box. Be sure to return materials to Shir Tikvah and not to another library. Overdue reminders are sent periodically. If materials are not returned after three reminders are sent, then they are assumed to be lost and borrowers will be charged a replacement fee.
Library Catalog
The catalog is updated several times per year and it is available online at Shir Tikvah Library
Helping the Library
For more information about any of these opportunities, please contact the Office.
The library is organized and maintained largely through the efforts of volunteers. There are many opportunities available, including selecting new materials and staffing the library during our open hours. Please consider joining the Library Committee and contribute to Shir Tikvah in this way.
The Library Committee encourages monetary gifts to Shir Tikvah’s designated Library Fund or material purchases selected from our Wish List. Donations to the fund are used to purchase specific items desired for the library. Material donations that will enhance our present collection are also accepted. Donation guidelines are:
Books should be published:
in the last 10 years for non-fiction
in the last 5 years for fiction;
in excellent, like-new condition (no mold, food or moisture stains, writing or marking, etc.)
Feature films and documentaries should be in DVD or BluRay format
Audio materials should be in CD format.
Items not added will be considered for classroom collections, placed on our “free” cart, or recycled when possible. All donations are added at the discretion of the Library Committee.