Caring Community
Our kavanah (intention) is to build a community that tends to each other's wellbeing, so we may all feel valued, embraced, and helped to feel whole when we need support, comfort, or assistance due to a death, an illness or other life changes.
Our history
When Shir Tikvah began, there was no Caring Community–none was needed. The six families who started our synagogue were a close group and knew when one among them had a death in the family, was undergoing a medical crisis or procedure, or otherwise needed support. No formal organization was needed.
However, Shir Tikvah is made up of so many families. We don't all know each other and are often unaware when fellow members need help; thus the Caring Community began. When a congregant has a need and contacts the clergy team, they will contact us, so we may step in to offer support. To fulfill the needs of our community, we need your help with this holy work.
Ways that the Shir Tikvah Caring Community supports our congregation:
Shiva: Assist grieving members by taking care of hosting duties: We bring supplies, set up, greet guests, pass out and collect prayer books, then clean up when shiva is over so that the mourners are able to be with and comforted by those who have come to express their condolences. (Shiva training provided.)
Meals: Prepare and deliver meals to members, who need support, such as those recovering from illness, after the birth of a baby, etc.
Visits: Visit members who are in nursing homes, hospitals, or homebound and would like company.
Rides: As we are able, provide rides to High Holiday services, medical or other necessary appointments.
Cards: Send cards and to community members in times of need to let them know they are in our thoughts. (Prompts for what to write are available.)
Why you should be part of the Caring Community
We should all consider ourselves part of this Caring Community, invested in the Jewish value of performing mitzvot–of showing up–and of Tikkun Olam (repairing our world).
Volunteering for the Caring Community allows us to support our members when needs arise and ensure no one's needs go unmet.
Performing a service for someone in need provides an intimate connection between you and the person you are serving and strengthens the fibers of our community.
Being a member of the Caring Community is possibly the least demanding way to fulfill our service obligation as a member of the Shir Tikvah community. Each participant chooses when they help and what service they want to perform. Even if someone volunteers only once or twice a year, such as helping with a shiva or making a meal, that is still a service to our community.
Contact Us
Volunteer: If you would like to volunteer with the Caring Community, sign up here!
Non-Emergency Support: If you need support for a non-emergency, email here.
Emergency Support: If you are experiencing a life cycle emergency, call (612) 787-7447 to reach the clergy who will contact us if our services are needed.