meet our rabbinic team
Rabbi Arielle Lekach-Rosenberg
Lead Rabbi
Rabbi Joey Glick
Assistant Rabbi
Rabbi Sharon Stiefel
Pastoral Care Rabbi
Jayce Koester
Rabbinic Intern
meet our staff
Jessica Markuson
Executive Director
Forrest Yesnes
Director of Youth and Family Education
Raena Barrios
Director of Operations
Associate Director of Youth and Family Education
Nikolina Erickson-Gunther
Membership and Clergy Manager
Gordon Byrd
Operations Coordinator
Or Levinson
Youth and Family Education Assistant
Rabbi Stacy Offner
Founding Rabbi Emerita
Rabbi Offner became the Shir Tikvah Founding Rabbi Emerita in July 2008 after 20 years of visionary and loving leadership. She came to the Twin Cities in 1984, the first woman Rabbi in the state of Minnesota. Shir Tikvah treasures our relationship with Rabbi Offner and continues to be inspired by her wisdom, vision, and courage.