Lifelong Learning
upcoming Adult Education Classes
We're excited to launch Adult Education registrations in ShulCloud this year! This system gives us immediate, accurate class registration and tuition tracking, which will offer everyone better transparency and efficiency. Questions? Email
Complete Class Descriptions
“I no longer know how to light the fire”: Jewish Ritual Innovation at the Seder Table (Zoom)
Tuition: $72 Teacher: Rabbi Joey; Wednesdays from 3/26 - 4/16 @ 12:00pm
Throughout our history, Jews have responded to existential and moral crises, ranging from the Spanish inquisition to the Vietnam War, with ritual innovation. This innovation has often blossomed at the Seder table, with Jews shaping and reshaping their Passover Seders to speak to their fears and hopes. In this four-part lunch and learn, we’ll study historic transformations in the Haggadah while considering what rituals, stories, and dreams we might bring to our Passover table this year.
The Next Level for Hebrew Beginners: Alef Isn’t Enough (Zoom)
Tuition: $234 Teacher: Steve Greenberg; Mondays from 3/3 - 5/26 @ 6:00pm
If you have a beginner’s knowledge of decoding (reading) Hebrew, this class offers more mastery in reading and understanding the basic vocabulary of biblical and prayerbook Hebrew; a doorway to comprehending the Hebrew words as you pray. We will also learn about some of the details and rituals around davening (praying) some of the prayers, such as (but not limited to) when to bow, when and why some of us rise up on our toes as we pray, and why some of us begin a set of prayers by stepping back and then forward three steps.
For questions about the class, contact Steve Greenberg at
Soulful Jewish Texts (Zoom)
Tuition: $216 Teacher: Jayce Koester; Tuesdays from 3/4 - 5/27 @ 6:30pm
Soulful Jewish Texts (SJT) is one segment of Shir Tikvah’s basic Judaism course focusing on Jewish history and literature through the lens of Jewish texts. Each week, we'll use a particular Jewish text as a springboard for exploring Jewish imagination, practice, and theology. While required for Shir Tikvah’s conversion program, this class is open to everyone. If you're new to or curious about Judaism, this class is for you. If you've been around Jewish community for a long time and want to deepen your knowledge and practice, this class is for you. If you have any questions about the class or if it's a good fit for you please email Jayce at
Panel Discussion - Sanctuary and Immigrant Justice: Be Part of the Solution
Sunday, March 9, 2:30 – 4:30pm, in-person and on Zoom; No Cost; Register Here
Shir Tikvah’s Sanctuary and Immigrant Justice Committee invites you to join this most important discussion around how our congregation and communities can continue to drive justice and support for immigrants and refugees.
A coalition of congregations who are our partners in this work are also be invited.
Our Panelists include these immigrant justice experts and advocates:
Miranda Morgan Lilla, Deputy State Director, Senator Tina Smith
Jane Graupman, Executive Director, International Institute of Minnesota
Michele McKenzie, Co-Executive Director, The Advocates for Human Rights
Moderator: Dara Rudick, member and past Sanctuary and Immigrant Justice Chair, Shir Tikvah
Snacks and Refreshments will be provided. For questions about this event, contact Dara Rudick.
Sustain Studio: Creative Omer Study (In Person)
Tuition: $75 Teacher: Lillie Benowitz; May 15th, May 22nd, and May 29th from 6:00 to 8:00pm
In this series, we will count the Omer and explore what it means to "tend life" at this moment through the sefirot. As we move through the attributes of the Omer, we will surface what feels alive for each of us as a way of orienting to how we want to show up in the world. In each session, we'll engage in creative inquiry as spiritual practice using the Jewish Studio Process. This ritually held practice includes text study, then a guided creative process of art making and witnessing what came through. No prior experience with art or creative practice is needed to fully participate in this series.
Practice Circles
Practice Circles are a once monthly space for folks to come together, explore, and deepen their Jewish practice related to Shabbat, holidays, prayer, food, and more. Beginning on Wednesday December 18th from 7:00 - 8:30 PM and meeting every third Wednesday of the month for twelve months, Practice Circles will fuse space for group reflection and connection with learning. In between meetings participants will have prompts to develop their own practices to reflect on in the following month. We are launching two circles, one meeting in-person at Shir Tikvah facilitated by Jake Porter and one meeting on Zoom facilitated by Jo Hjelle. You can register online here.
These circles are aimed at folks who have already spent some time building and exploring their Jewish practice. If you have any questions about whether or not this space would be a good fit for you please do not hesitate to reach out to Jayce Koester at
A Shir Tikvah Book Group
Through Other Eyes: Israeli and Palestinian Stories; Sign up here
The Caring Committee, Makom Minyan, and Israel/Palestine Committee are excited to invite you to join a new book group designed to deepen connections and foster community. Together, we’ll explore novels and other works that highlight diverse perspectives on Israeli and Palestinian lives, histories, and relationships. Through these readings, we’ll delve into themes of displacement, identity, resilience, and coexistence.
We will begin with two compelling, shorter works:
Khirbet Khizeh by S. Yizhar (approximately 120 pages, audiobook available) – January 2025 (Date TBD, via Zoom)
Return to Haifa by Ghassan Kanafani (approximately 60 pages, video available) – February 2025 (Date TBD, via Zoom)
If you’re interested in joining, please complete the interest form here.
For any questions, feel free to email Harry Adler.
We look forward to reading, learning, and building community together.
Hilkhot Tefilah - Digging into the Practice of Prayer and How, Where, and Why Jews Pray
Sundays, January 5-April 3, 10-11:30am in person and on Zoom (no class 2/2 or 3/23); Tuition: $108; Register Here
Join Rabbi Arielle in a text-based exploration of the halakha of prayer. Focusing on texts about prayer from Rambam's Mishneh Torah, this class is an opportunity to learn about our tradition's takes on prayer. We will ask each other big questions about why we do what we do and what kind of prayer life we dream of - for ourselves and our community. No Hebrew skills necessary...but an interest in prayer, prayer leadership and soulful exploration of the meaning of prayer in 5785 a must!
Mussar: Everyday Holiness (In Person)
Tuition: $300, Teacher: Laurel Riedel; 10:00am - 12:00pm 11/8; 11/22; 12/6; 12/20; 1/10; 1/24; 2/7; 2/21; 3/7; 3/22; 4/4; 4/18
Draw closer to yourself, others and God through Mussar learning and practice. Skillfully facilitated to promote the personal application of Jewish wisdom for developing character and living a life with greater joy, meaning, freedom and connection.
The Pride Va'ad (In Person)
Tuition: $300, Teacher: Emma Stout; November 12 - April 15 @ 6:30pm
A welcoming group led by and for members of the LGBTQ+ community seeking to integrate Jewish wisdom into everyday life. Together, we will study, practice and learn together about a variety of middot (soul traits) that help us bring forth the best in ourselves. This Pride Va'ad will begin in November 2024 and is composed of 10-14 participants and 1 trained facilitator, meeting regularly to learn together. The days in between the 12 bi-monthly group sessions are intended for personal home practice, including journaling and meeting with a chevruta (study/practice partner). While we intend this experience to guide participants in increasing personal awareness and growth, a va'ad is an active learning community, not a support or therapy group. We uphold intentional group guidelines to provide a safe, joyful, compassionate space for each person to learn, grow, and express themself. While meeting at Shir Tikvah, this class will be held directly through Twin Cities Mussar - you can register here.
Free, Ongoing Offerings
Ongoing Torah Study: Our People's Journey
2nd & 4th Fridays of the month with Gayle Zoffer
12:15pm-1:30pm (Zoom)
Scholars believe that the Psalms were written by different people over several centuries; these prayer-poems express a range of feelings and motivations–including awe, gratitude, hope, a desire for comfort, grief, and despair. The group will consider different translations of the text as well as associated commentaries; this phase of study will also give us the chance to dip into musical settings of certain verses or entire psalms. We’ll also have a chance to think about the various metaphors for the Divine that are found in the text and see what resonates most for each of us. To be added to the email reminder list contact Gayle Zoffer. All are welcome to participate.
Torah for Tough Times – Nourishing our Souls
Monthly Torah Study with Rabbi Sharon Stiefel, MSW
6/26, 7/24, 8/28 at 12:00pm (Zoom)
Join me for a monthly Torah study group that provides support for individuals facing challenging ongoing hardship, grief and illness.(your own or someone you are caregiving for.) By coming together to look at the weekly Torah portion, we will nurture seeds of hope and resilience from our tradition as well as create space for support from our community.
Shir Tikvah is committed to finances never being a barrier to your ability to access our classes, events, or services. If you have interest in a scholarship, please use this form and we will follow up shortly. Thank you!