Shir Tikvah began as a dream:
A dream of a synagogue a Jewish community modeled after Abraham and Sarah’s tent in the Torah—where all were welcomed, appreciated, celebrated, and thrived; a Jewish world where GLBTQ Jews and Jews of Color and interfaith households gave voice to a Jewish tradition that is animating, complex, nourishing, and challenging.
Since the first households gathered in the Spring of 1988 to today, Shir Tikvah has been at the forefront of revitalizing Jewish prayer, engaging members of the congregation in our spiritual leadership, transforming Jewish education to cultivate moral imagination, and build a beloved community. For more than 30 years, we have been deeply engaged in many of the pressing moral concerns and issues of our time: immigrant justice and welcoming refugees; racial justice; marriage equality; ending gun violence; partnering with other faith communities throughout Minnesota; addressing antisemitism and all forms of bigotry; building a sustainable society. We are inspired by the deep Jewish tradition we have inherited and seek new ways to renew our moral commitments to one another and the divine.
Shir Tikvah is affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism, the national umbrella organization for Reform Congregations.