Shir Tikvah is a k’hilah k’doshah (holy community), joyfully revealing the intersections of talmud torah (lifelong Torah study), t’filah (prayer), tzedakah (justice), and hachnasat orchim (radical hospitality). We creatively wrestle with tradition and innovation as we invigorate Jewish spiritual life and transform the world.
current openings
B’Mitzvah tutors
JAMI, or the Jewish Academy for Moral Imagination, is Shir Tikvah's version of religious school. Our holy task is to engage young people of all ages, along with their families, in cultivating Jewish Moral Imagination and to raise Jewish moral actors. Read more about JAMI on our website. Our tutors are a critical support in preparing students for becoming B'Mitzvah. These educators should be able to teach Hebrew, Torah trope, and prayer skills. They will work individually with students on Hebrew, Torah, confidence, Jewish identity, and becoming well-prepared Jewish adults. Our tutoring takes place on Wednesday afternoons into the evening, year-round. With interest in tutoring, please email here.