Becoming B’Mitzvah with Shir Tikvah

about B’Mitzvah

The journey to the bimah begins at any age - when children start asking questions, when they start participating in classes, when they start to feel the spark of curiosity about what Jewish life means to them and to their world. The B’Mitzvah journey is a path on which to ask these questions, a place with which to wrestle these topics, and a platform on which to celebrate our emerging young adults as they challenge and embrace community, tradition, and Torah. Read below to learn a bit about the B’Mitzvah years at Shir Tikvah.

6th grade

In 6th grade, JAMI students begin to learn more formally about text study. This includes a robust exploration of Nevi’im - our Book of Prophets. 6th grade also continues our students’ formal Hebrew-learning.

In addition to regular JAMI classes, 6th grade families participate in six shabbat morning gatherings over the course of the year. Families come together to build class community, learn, pray, eat lunch, and get in the headspace of approaching B’Mitzvah by exploring questions like: What does it mean to become B’Mitzvah? How do we prepare for and celebrate it exactly? And why is it so important to us?

Class material is group-wide and relevant to all students, but getting inside of one’s particular parsha (portion of Torah) is a personal experience; studying and learning to read/chant a section of the parsha requires individual study. This study takes shape in B’Mitzvah Tutoring: one-on-one sessions between a student and one of Shir Tikvah’s B’Mitzvah Tutors.

B’Mitzvah Tutoring begins 12 months before the B’Mitzvah service and takes place weekly (including over the summer months), in 30-minute sessions, during Wednesday evening JAMI classes. For most students, tutoring begins sometime in 6th grade.

Prior to tutoring, Forrest meets with each family to learn more about what the student and family are looking forward inside of their B’Mitzvah journey, and what kind of tutor is the best fit for that student. He then makes a match and introduces the student and family to their tutor.

4th Grade & 5th grade

In 4th grade and 5th grade, JAMI students begin to learn more formally about the Jewish lifecycle. This includes a deep dive into the history, purpose, and experience of becoming B’Mitzvah. 4th grade also begins our students’ formal Hebrew-learning, which they continue through 7th grade - another important step toward becoming B’Mitzvah. In 5th grade, usually in December, families receive letters from Shir Tikvah welcoming them to the B’Mitzvah journey and proposing a B’Mitzvah date. Each family locks in this date or works with Forrest to find another. We celebrate this big step of the B’Mitzvah journey with Shabbat HaMakor, a spring shabbat morning gathering with 5th grade families.

7th grade

In 7th grade, JAMI students begin to learn more formally about the individual and communal responsibilities of Jewish adulthood. This includes a profound look at personal beliefs around spirituality, justice, and more. 7th grade also concludes our students’ formal Hebrew-learning.

In addition to regular JAMI classes, 7th grade families support each other by attending and participating in each other’s B’Mitzvah services. Supporting one another's celebrations is the greatest gift to give as both students and families show up for one another.

B’Mitzvah Tutoring concludes sometime in 7th grade, but class learning continues throughout the year, into 8th grade, and beyond.