Daily Selichot
August 20-September 24th (except for Saturday mornings) at 7:15am on Zoom
It is hard to believe that we are about to embark in the fourth year of our Selichot practice together! A daily Selichot is a Sephardi practice of reciting penitential prayers and songs daily that provides us the opportunity to journey, individually and in community, into the work of the High Holy Days. This year, as always, we need to breathe together, go through the process of T'shuvah together and heal from difficult and challenging times. Only then will we be able to get ready for the High Holidays. We are hoping you will join us at 7:15am- 7:45am in the morning (yes we know it is really early…) starting this year on the third day of Elul, Sunday, 08/20/23, until the morning of Yom Kippur.
Many of our voices were heard in the past three years, and we are hoping new voices will emerge and participate this year; we will have again a spreadsheet of the liturgy/reflection components and we will be able to choose the parts we would like to lead. If you’d like to sign up to lead a song or teacher over the course of our practice, you can do so here. If you’re excited to lead, but would need to learn or get a refresher on a section of the practice, please be in touch with Tamar Ghidalia tamarghidalia@gmail.com and R’ Arielle rabbiarielle@shirtikvahmn.org. If you’d like to take a look at our liturgy, you can find it here.
We have learned a lot as a community in this process and are eager to continue our individual and communal work together.
See you soon!