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Sukkot: Stories of the Season

Stories of the Season

Stories have carried our people for generations. Oral and written tales have held our traditions for millennia. And stories are about more than entertainment; in stories, we learn about ourselves, others, and our world. Stories ground us. They inspire us. They fuel a ruach - a spirit - we cannot often find elsewhere. Stories chronicle our past and help us make sense of today.

Stories of the Season gives us the opportunity to dance, learn, and sing our ways into these unique holy days. Our K'tanimot (families with newborns, babies, and tots) are invited to gather for holiday fun: music, stories, snacks, and more as we celebrate these special days together!

Each gathering is a stand-alone event - attend one or more. Stories of the Season is catered to our K’tanimot, though all are invited to gather. Stories of the Season takes place indoors and outdoors - rain or shine. All locations are accessible. All materials are provided.

Rosh HaShanah - No Stories of the Season

Join us instead for the Rosh HaShanah service on Saturday, September 16 at St. Joan of Arc at 9:00am.

Tashlich - Sunday, September 17 at Wirth Lake Beach from 3:00pm to 4:00pm

The congregation-wide Tashlich gathering takes place immediately following Stories of the Season.

Yom Kippur - No Stories of the Season

Join us instead for the Yom Kippur service on Monday, September 25 at St. Joan of Arc at 9:00am.

Sukkot - Saturday, September 30 at Shir Tikvah from 9:30am to 10:30am

Simchat Torah - Saturday, October 7 at Shir Tikvah from 4:00pm to 5:30pm

The congregation-wide Simchat Torah gathering takes place immediately following Stories of the Season.

September 30

Sukkot Hallel

October 1

JAMI Classes (Pre-K - 7th grade)