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Yom Kippur Yoga

In our virtual Yom Kippur yoga class this afternoon, we will explore gentle yoga. This gentle yoga practice will be taught with yoga poses all done by sitting or lying on the floor on a yoga mat or blanket. We will focus on tuning into our breath, our 'Neshama'. This word, neshama, is soul – and breath. Yom Kippur invites us into an encounter with our very essence, the center place of our existence: our bodies, our neshamas, each breath a miraculous gift. As we slow down and encounter the source of life on this Yom Kippur afternoon, we invite you to bring all of your attention into the experience of your breath, your life, your neshama, moving so beautifully through exactly the body you have here with you today. PROPS NEEDED FOR GENTLE YOGA CLASS: Please have a mat and a strap or a scarf. Please also have something to sit on, such as a couch cushion or a folded blanket. This gentle yoga class will end by 2:30PM to give time for yourself to get ready for the afternoon service.

Facilitated by Ronna Rochell:

Ronna Rochell is a certified yoga instructor and has been teaching yoga for more than 30 years. Ronna will guide you into the gentle yoga poses with proper prompts and instructions, but only you know what your body needs at any given moment, so please listen to your body.

October 5

Yom Kippur Morning Service

October 5

Teshuva Lab: Racial Justice and Atonement