A Shabbos of Grounding and Learning in Painful Political Times
Jan. 25th 2:30-6:30PM, at Shir Tikvah and on zoom. Click here for details and registration.
As we move into life after the inauguration, we’ll gather for a chance to hold each other and cultivate our capacity for renewal and resistance. Join us for a Shabbos afternoon of learning, light nosh, song, and ritual. Program includes:
2:30PM: An Inter-generational conversation on activism as a spiritual practice with Or Levinson, Sara Wernick Schonwald, and Andrea Rubenstein
4PM: Befriending the Yetzer: Receiving Our Whole Self with Compassion with Julie Dean of Twin Cities Mussar. This experiential session will help us receive our whole selves with compassion and elevate our personal resilience by applying classic Mussar texts, modern Jewish wisdom and introspection to our everyday experiences of life.
5:30PM: Soulful Singing and Havdalah led by Rabbi Arielle Lekach-Rosenberg
Cosponsored by Jewish Community Action, Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light, Shir Tikvah, Twin Cities Mussar, Mayim Rabim, and TC Jewish Renewal.