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Dick Kalin Funeral

We extend our condolences to Jeremy, Hope, Leah, & Jonah Kalin, and Nancy Kleeman (Dick's wife) on the death of Jeremy's father, Dick Kalin, on July 17th at the age of 81 at home from Metastatic Prostrate Cancer.

Jeremy shared: "My Dad transformed his life, deciding to face his challenges head on during his 40s. As a result, he truly blossomed in his last three decades, as husband, Dad, Grandpa, friend and business advisor. He modeled the art of listening, of patience and forgiveness, and of intellectual curiosity. One of my Dad’s greatest gifts to me, and to all of his family, was the beautiful and forthright way he faced the end of his life. We were able to help die at home; not be stuck in his body and ensure his wife Nancy was set up to thrive after his death. It was the honor of my life to help give him a good death; I will never forget these beautiful and sad moments with him."

The funeral will be at Shir Tikvah on 10am this Wednesday July 20th. Zoom info:

Meeting ID: 865 8365 8758

Passcode: 153498

July 16

Havdallah (zoom)

July 20

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