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Erev Rosh Hashanah T'filah for Families

The High Holy Days season is a fun time, an important time, a quiet time, a lively time. What we celebrate and honor during the High Holy Days are light and heavy, joyous and serious, simple and complicated. Our Youth and Families T’filot (prayer services) are incredible opportunities through which to explore these many diverse themes and a great chance to connect with ourselves, one another, and even more - at every age!

Youth and Families services include singing, movement, learning, and more! They are highly-interactive as we explore the beloved and challenging themes of the High Holy Days through prayer and Torah.

All are invited to gather - especially grandparents. Youth and Families T’filot take place indoors at St. Joan of Arc. The room in which all services take place is accessible. All materials are provided.

Erev Rosh HaShanah T’filah for Families - Friday, September 15 at St. Joan of Arc from 5:00pm to 6:00pm

For 2nd through 5th graders and their families

Rosh HaShanah T’filah for Families - Saturday, September 16 at St. Joan of Arc from 9:00am to 10:00am

For K’tanimot (families with newborns, babies, and tots) through 1st graders and their families

Kol Nidre T’filah for Families - Sunday, September 24 at St. Joan of Arc from 5:00pm to 6:00pm

For 2nd through 5th graders and their families

Yom Kippur T’filah for Families - Monday, September 25 at St. Joan of Arc from 9:00am to 10:00am

For K’tanimot (families with newborns, babies, and tots) through 1st graders and their families

We are looking to gauge interest in whether to offer a remote-access option for our Youth and Families services during the High Holy Days. Remote participation from families has dropped significantly since our return from the pandemic. These services are highly-interactive and we strongly encourage families to join us in person. However, we will happily offer a remote-access option if we hear from a portion of the community. If you are looking for remote-access, please email Forrest Yesnes, Director of Youth and Family Education, no later than August 31. If we do not hear from a portion of the community, Youth and Families services will be held in-person only. Livestream and Zoom will be offered for community-wide services; this request is only to gauge interest for Youth and Families services.

September 14


September 15

Erev Rosh HaShanah