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Kol Nidrei Youth and Families T’filah

5785 is here! Start it in community at Shir Tikvah! This Yom Kippur, our Youth and Families T’filot (services) will center on the theme, “My Ancestors and Me: How do I hold both the old and the new?” During the Kol Nidrei service, we will explore what it means to ground ourselves in our individual and collective pasts as we look to the future of the new year.

On Yom Kippur, we pick back up after the ten days since Rosh HaShanah: We dreamt of a new world on Rosh HaShanah, and on Yom Kippur we commit to doing our part to making those dreams our reality.

As 5784 ends and we approach 5785, we invite our 2nd through 5th graders and families to consider these prompts: Who came before us? What can be meaningful about looking backwards? What can be complicated about looking to the past? Why do we look behind us as we also look in front of us? Consider personal stories as you wrestle with this big theme. Have this conversation as a family beforehand and bring your thoughts with you to the services you attend; we look forward to learning what is on your minds and to swapping stories!

Shir Tikvah Yom Kippur Youth and Families T’filot take place at St. Joan of Arc on Friday, October 11 and Saturday, October 12. All are welcome to all services; evening Youth and Families services are planned for 2nd through 5th graders and their families - and morning Youth and Families services are planned for newborns through 1st graders and their families.

October 10


October 11

Kol Nidrei Childcare