Panel Discussion - Sanctuary and Immigrant Justice: Be Part of the Solution
Sunday, March 9, 2:30 – 4:30pm, in-person and on Zoom; No Cost
Shir Tikvah’s Sanctuary and Immigrant Justice Committee invites you to join this most important discussion around how our congregation and communities can continue to drive justice and support for immigrants and refugees.
A coalition of congregations who are our partners in this work are also be invited.
Our Panelists include these immigrant justice experts and advocates:
Miranda Morgan Lilla, Deputy State Director, Senator Tina Smith
Jane Graupman, Executive Director, International Institute of Minnesota
Michelle McKenzie, Co-Executive Director, The Advocates for Human Rights
Moderator: Dara Rudick, member and past Sanctuary and Immigrant Justice Chair, Shir Tikvah
Snacks and Refreshments will be provided. For questions about this event, contact Dara Rudick.