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Song Seeds: Singing our way Towards Tu b'Shvat

Join us for a month of song and movement-building. We'll work with the themes of Tu b'Shvat and the seasonal moment here in Minnesota to connect with the process of thawing, opening and returning. Song will be our way into this exploration. All voices are welcome.

Sarina Partridge, song leader and organizer at Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light (MNIPL) and powerful Jewish leader around town, will teach and lead simple songs on these themes. Community members and leaders have been invited to offer their reflections on the themes of the season.

Please join us for one session or for all three. This series will culminate on the weekend of February 3-5, as we celebrate Shabbat Shira, our Shabbat of song, and Tu b'Shvat, the celebration of trees.

There is no cost to participate in this series! Kids are welcome! Snacks will be served! No musical experience necessary! You do not have to be a member of Shir TIkvah or MNIPL or be a Jew to join this series! This series will be in-person at Shir Tikvah and available online on Zoom and YouTube.

This series is a collaboration between Shir Tikvah and MNIPL. Please contact Sarina with questions or to get involved!

January 15


January 18

B’Mitzvah Tutoring