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Rosh HaShanah Morning Youth and Families T’filah

5785 is coming! Ring it in with community at Shir Tikvah! This Rosh HaShanah, our Youth and Families T’filot (services) will center on the theme, “Planting Seeds of Hope: What are we sowing for 5785?” Each of our families will have the opportunity to create hope flags - visual art that represents their dreams for the new year. During the Rosh HaShanah Morning service, we will sing and dance around this theme of dreaming and planting as we open up into a fresh year of possibilities with new and renewed ideas.

As 5784 ends and we approach 5785, we invite our youngest families to consider these prompts: What would make next year the best year there has ever been? Why? Consider behaviors or improvements beyond any individual person or community. Have this conversation as a family beforehand and bring your thoughts with you to the services you attend; we cannot wait to learn what is on your hearts and to swap dreams!

Shir Tikvah Rosh HaShanah Youth and Families T’filot take place at St. Joan of Arc on Wednesday, October 2 and Thursday, October 3. All are welcome to all services; evening Youth and Families services are planned for 2nd through 5th graders and their families - and morning Youth and Families services are planned for newborns through 1st graders and their families.

October 2

Erev Rosh HaShanah

October 3

Rosh HaShanah Morning Childcare